Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A free day

11 June 2010                        7:22am                  Kathmandu

Yesterday, luckily, we had a less early start to the day.  We had our language class pushed from 9am to 10am, which helped with the whole sleep thing.  Class was still hard, but slightly better than the past couple.  I’m just hoping that someone in my host family speaks good enough English to help me out with my bad Nepali.

After class we stayed at Café Mitra, where we had lunch as well as a discussion of our internships and host families.  I will be working at Aarohan/Gurukul, a theatre company.  Apparently I will be helping update their website and do some grant research, with the possibility of working on some productions as well, which is what I had initially proposed to do.  My host family consists of a police officer, his wife, and a son of an unknown age.

For once, after our lunch and meeting we had a free day!  Keesler, Dee and I went shopping as Dee wanted to get a kurti, either pre-made or hand tailored.  We went into a few different shops but ended up in one shop at the Bishal Bazar (which literally translates to the ‘big market’).  After spending a significant amount of time there, Dee decided to have one set and one shirt made, and I had a set made, with the pre-existing shirt tailored.  I’m hoping the clothes end up being lighter than what I currently own.

After that we went to dinner at Fire and Ice (again) to take advantage of the free wi-fi.  It is awesomely fast!  The lasagna is pretty awesome as well- can’t forget about the food!  The desserts aren’t too bad, but I think there’s other places here that I’d go to first.  I think I’m really starting to get used to Kathmandu if I’m already developing preferences for certain restaurants.

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