Friday, July 2, 2010

Deep thoughts

28 June 2010                      5:53pm                 Old Baneshwor

I just looked at the date and realized that in a month, we’ll basically be done here, and then I’ve got one more week in India and then I’m home.  I’ve been thinking a lot about home ever since I left it, missing people there and wondering how long two and a half months would feel.  So far it doesn’t feel too bad (I’m halfway through!) but now I’m wondering, will I have the same feelings when I get back home?  Will I sit there, wondering when I’ll get back to Nepal?

I already feel so at home here.  I have places to be, friends to spend time with, and I almost feel like I can navigate my way around (I’m still working on that last part).  If it weren’t for this strong pull from certain people back home, I would be content to stay here as long as I could.  I think the only thing lacking is a paying job.  I won’t miss having servants, and I plan to leave those behind as soon as possible (it’s frustrating to have to ask someone to get me a snack), but the other things I don’t think I can leave behind as easily.  I’ll miss seeing the city by cab and by foot, I’ll miss the excitement of going out and experiencing new places, I’ll miss desperately searching for places to watch the World Cup, I’ll miss all of the new experiences, I’ll even miss dal bhat.  Sometimes I think I’ll even miss haggling for shopping, for taxis.  There’s only two things I can think of that I won’t miss- spicy food (as I eat piro chow-chow right now) and creepy guys in Thamel trying to sell me hashish.

I think it’s going to be a weird adjustment to go back to New York.  I’m curious about what it’s going to be like.  I’m torn- I can’t wait to go home but I don’t want to leave here.

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